
When and how is my refund processed?

If you return the item to our Warehouse and you are entitled to a refund, your refund will be processed approximately 7 to 10 business days from the date of receipt of your returned item at our Warehouse. The refund will be credited on your original method of payment.

If you used a combination of gift card and credit card or gift card and PayPal, your credit card or PayPal will be refunded first, up to the maximal value paid with this method payment. The remaining balance, if applicable, if be processed on your gift card.

You will receive an email advising you that your refund has been processed and what amount has been credited. You may be able to track the status of your return via the carrier that you selected using the tracking number provided by the carrier when returning the item. You must provide us with the return tracking number for any inquiries related to that return.

If you return the item to your local store and you are entitled to a refund, you will receive your refund at the time of the return. This refund may be either credited back to the credit card or gift card that was used to purchase the item or in the form of a Merchandise Credit if the item was a gift. If your item purchased was originally purchased using a gift card, the refund may be given in the form of a Merchandise Credit.

What is refunded when I return an item?

When you return an item, you will be refunded the price of the item and any applicable taxes. Original shipping charges will not be refunded except under limited circumstances, as outlined below.

  • Error by Toys“R”Us Canada or Babies“R”Us Canada.
  • Item requiring special delivery through a carrier that incurred additional restocking fees.

My refund is not showing on my credit card or gift card, and I have already returned my package?

Please contact us to confirm that your package has been received at our Warehouse. You will need to provide the return tracking number and name of the carrier used when returning the item, for our Team to investigate.

Investigations into delayed or lost shipments with carriers may take up to 15 business days to complete.

Refund method

If your original payment was made by cash, debit, credit card or mobile payment, then your refund will be applied using the same method.

If your original payment was made by merchandise credit, gift card, eGift Card or you have a gift receipt, then your refund will be applied using a merchandise credit. If your original payment was Paypal and you return the item in store, then your refund will be applied using a merchandise credit. If your original payment was Paypal and you return the item to our warehouse, then your refund will be applied to your Paypal.

We reserve the right at any time to reject, correct, cancel, or terminate any order for any reason whatsoever. If the price of any product you order was incorrectly displayed on our Web Site, we will provide you with an opportunity to place an order at the correct price.